
Creating the largest collection of honest company reviews the web has ever seen.

Tell us how you really feel about your job, your company, your role.

We use zero knowledge proofs to verify your email first. Then we use the power of AI to remix your words, so you can retain anonymity but also keep the sentiment of your words. Share your true opinions on an online community forum (coming soon!) to organize and find your people.

Start your journey in organizing communication between you and your coworkers anonymously, here.

Unedited review:

AI Version: This is the remixed version of your words.

Generate a ZK Proof that you completed this activity to join this community

Your Unique ID for Proof of Contributing Individual (POCkI):

After you verify your email with us, you will receive a code here that will be your ID. We built a zkOracle here that will generate a signature that the data we received from you is verified, and that signature will be used by the smart contract that your ID came from our oracle. This enables you to retain anonymity, because now you can just use the ID to be identified on our platform, and we have the ability to verify any post you make is from you because of the ID verified by our zkoracle. :)